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Save more than 50% on life insurance with SelectQuote.

Michael, 40 $500K for $18/month

Get Instant Term Life Insurance and Skip the Medical Exam

SelectQuote makes instant life insurance simple and hassle-free. For people 60 years old and younger who are in generally good health, you may qualify for coverage without the need for a medical exam at less than $1 a day.

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What is life insurance?

In simple terms, life insurance is an affordable way to protect your family financially in the event you’re not there to take care of them. Life insurance can help with things like paying the mortgage, college tuition, final expenses and more.

Figuring out what life insurance is right for you can seem complicated, but that’s what we’re here for. SelectQuote life insurance agents have the answers you need to make the right decision for you and your family.

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How much life insurance do I need?

How much life insurance (and what kind of insurance) is needed varies from person to person. Our life insurance agents can help you figure out what coverage is best for you and your family - be it term life insurance, whole life insurance, or another policy altogether. Call a SelectQuote agent today to learn more about your options.

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How It Works

Researching and gathering life insurance quotes can be a long complex process - but SelectQuote’s breakthrough technology makes it quick and easy. Within minutes, an agent can give you unbiased price comparisons from 10+ trusted insurance companies.

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Very helpful, and the new plan they found for me will save me a lot of money in the coming years!

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